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  • Writer's pictureDr Jeff Garofalo

Surprise Cause of Sciatica

Thousands of people suffer from sciatica or pain that runs down your leg from the sciatic nerve daily.

Many people think that sciatica only comes from the back, but in todays blog I am going to share with you a surprise cause of sciatica that doesn't come from your back but actually comes from your Butt!

Piriformis Syndrome is sciatica caused by a tight muscle in your rear-end called the pirifromis muscle. This muscle attaches on the spine at the very bottom called the sacrum and acts like a band that crosses your rear-end cheek attaching to the outside of your leg. When you are standing it is the muscle that allows you to turn your leg to the outside.

The piriformis muscle sits over the sciatic nerve that runs down the leg and when the muscle gets tight it pinches the sciatic nerve causing pain down your leg.

Piriformis syndrome is usually made worse by sitting on that side and received by massaging the area and stretching the area.

To stretch the area lay on your back and bend your knee grabbing your ankle and pulling your leg to the opposite shoulder of the leg that is affected. You will feel a stretch in your rear-end on the affected side helping you relieve the pain and allowing you to fix the problem.

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