Non-Surgical Disc Repair Therapy
Do you struggle with back pain?
Have you experienced numbness, tingling, or burning in your hands or feet?
These issues often come back to a single fundamental problem:
Damaged spinal discs.
If you’ve been told that you have:
A disc bulge
A disc herniation
A degenerative disc
We may be able to help you, without surgery.
Here at Midwest Disc Clinic, we treat spinal disc damage with my technique called the DOSAE method.
The DOSAE method is a non-surgical approach that has up to a 90% success rate. Compare that to traditional back surgery, which has only a 15-20% success rate.
Before I explain how the DOSAE method works and why it’s so effective, let me take a minute to break down the problem. I want you to understand what’s going on with your back so that you make an informed decision about how you want to recover.
Understanding Spinal Disc Damage
Your spinal discs are sensitive, delicate sections of living tissue that sit in between your vertebrae.
These discs can be damaged by:
An impact injury (like a fall, a car accident, or a sports injury).
Long term problems (like poor posture).
A simple wrong movement (like twisting the wrong way in bed).
When an injury happens, it can be severely debilitating and lead to a lifetime of chronic pain.
Wondering why this is happening?
Here is the answer…. Your disc pump is broken, your spine is out of alignment putting pressure on your discs, your muscles are weak and allowing the spine to shift preventing the disc pump from working, and your discs and nerves are losing vital nutrients to stay alive and feeling great!
Let's start with the pump.
Yes, the disc pump is broken, which leads to
Disc Bulges,
(eventually) Disc Decay.
A healthy spine that has proper alignment works to create pumps for the discs that they sit on top and bottom of.
Let me explain.
The disc is a water balloon that has no blood supply but needs nutrients and oxygen and needs to get waste products out in order to stay healthy.
Without a direct blood supply, none of that can happen. This causes the disc to break down.
As the disc starts to become increasingly damaged, you can no longer get waste out and oxygen in.
This creates an acidic environment in the disc, breaking down cells and creating inflammation and pain. You can’t get Glucosamine and Chondroitin into the cells of the disc and the tissue continues to weaken and break down.
The outer 1/3rd of the disc has nerves that supply the disc with feeling. When the pump stops working correctly, the nerves start to become overactivated and start to cause pain.
What is the answer you ask?
Well, fix the pump of course, but there is more.. You must also properly align the spine from top to bottom specifically aligning each vertebrae on top of the disc so the pressure stays normal allowing the pump to work. Specific exercises must be performed in order to keep the pressure where it belongs to keep the pump working long term, and finally the correct nutrients must be used in order to help the disc and nerves repair long term.
But that’s easier said than done!!
First, you need to know at which level the pump is broken. The only way to do this is to get a great MRI to see the exact level of damage and what type of disc injury is present. Then and only then can you go to work to repair the disc pump with our DOSAE method.
Our DOSAE method includes MRI analysis of the specific disc that needs help and then a targeted separation of the specific disc level.
That's when the MAGIC happens, as the disc begins to relearn how to pump to really repair itself.
To summarize our DOSAE method:
1. Proper analysis and diagnosis through full spine x-rays, MRI, and other testing if necessary.
2. Specific technology we call decompressive oscillation to help restore the disc pump mechanism so the disc can form stronger scar tissue for long term strength.
3. Specific adjustments from neck to pelvis aligning the spine over the discs for proper pressure long term to keep the pump working keeping the disc healthy long term.
4. Specific exercises to help stabilize your core muscles as well as reposition your head over your shoulders keeping the spine in alignment helping the disc remain strong and healthy long term.
5. Specific nutrients which may help the disc repair itself building stronger scar tissue, nutrients which may help the nerves repair themselves which may help burning, numbness and tingling, and nutrients which may help reduce inflammation and pain naturally.
Each case in analyzed in detail, a care plan is created and executed, results are measured along the course of care, re-xrays are taken and reviewed to observe progress and you the happy patient are sent back to your life happy and pain free...That is our stratergy and our goal for you!
To live our life the way God intended.
If you or somebody you know has a disc bulge, herniation, or decaying disc please let them know that our DOSAE method is a NON-surgical option with up to a 90% success rate.
Dr. Jeff and Dr. Mat are Advanced Trained Non-Surgical Disc Specialists and Chiropractors